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Workshopping Online?

October 1st, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I’m participating in an adventurous proposition put together by Jen Whiting and a group at Rider University, namely workshopping ten-minute plays online–sort of like radio plays, I suppose. Whiting writes:

Ten Minute Play Workshop (TMPW) will be a series of weekly podcasts that have participants reading scripts that have been submitted for workshopping, a faculty member and the same participants who read the play as critique-ers. The final minutes of the podcast will give the author a chance to ask questions of the critique-ers and faculty member.

We’ll see how it works out. It’s unclear how readers are selected, and some of the recordings have been hit or miss (giggling, inattention, half-assed accents, etc), but the idea is what is important and the notion of how and whether it works: other parts of the production can be improved. The sessions are recorded and can be listened to.

I chose the session on Tuesday, October 30, at 6:00pm. If you’ve got a :10 minute play that you’d like to have read, send it along as there are still spaces available. Go to http://www.tenminuteplayworkshop.com/

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