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Keyword: ‘Science’

Grace, et al

July 23rd, 2012 No comments

Went and saw Grace and convergence on Friday night. It was a very emotional and thought provoking stab at religion, faith, and science, and I thought, successful. Especially scene five, which for convergence was the first scene after the intermission. In the scene Sam (John Busser) attempts to get rid of Sara (Laurel Hoffman) because Sam is falling for her. The attempt ends up doing quite the opposite, however, it is only after an discussion of faith and belief led by Sara. The discussion was very moving and honest. The play is somewhat ironic in that the other main character in the play Steve (Doug Kusak) is a born-again Jesus freak who at the end of the play loses all faith and commits a murder suicide, whilst the faithless Nasa IT person (Sam) ends up finding faith and a reason to embrace life.

I’ve also seen a number of other plays: The Hyacinth Macaw at convergence, which I felt was truly fantastic. Mac Wellman takes flights in language and thought that are comprehensible on a level that exceeds thought and almost touches intuition. I saw God of Carnage at Dobama, which was a funny play. Saw Peter Roth’s thesis in Pittsburgh, and a whole host of things I’m sure that I’m forgetting.

I am now squarely focused on creating. I have written two plays and one screen play since October 2011. I have another play that is about to get underway, which I hope to finish by October 1. I am busily sending out my plays to see if I can get them staged. As well, I am hitting Linoleum cuts again pretty hard and hope to pump out a children’s book for both of my kids by December. I’ve got a children’s book that I wrote a decade ago which I will start editing soon.


January 18th, 2012 No comments

I generally try to keep this blog on topic, but I feel that I must use it today somewhat as soap box (sopa box?). Here is the letter that I have sent to my Senators and Congresspersons. Feel free to use, if you like, but this is an extraordinarily important issue if you don’t want the US to become China with regard to control of the Internet.


Dear Senator XXXXX,

I am writing to express my very serious concern regarding the pending legislation (SOPA/PIPA) mentioned in the subject of this email. I cannot believe yourself or other Senators would consider instituting a China-like censorship on Internet Service Providers or Content Providers in the United States, nor allow one entertainment industry to dominate the freedoms that we Americans have come to enjoy.

I understand the concern of Hollywood companies as well as those in the music industry regarding the piracy of protected works to which they have a right to enjoy profits; however, the predominant threat seems to come from overseas and censoring Americans is an absurd approach to stopping illegal activity on foreign soil. Surely there are methods and approaches already underway that address foreign piracy.

Furthermore, I am greatly troubled and continue to be troubled by expanding reach of copyright interpretations. The origin of copyright was to ensure the progress of science and useful arts by encouraging creation–to do this, creators were awarded protections to their rights for their creation for a specified period of time during which they might enjoy the fruits of their labor. But this time period was to expire to allow future creative persons the ability to benefit from and use what came before. Now copyright seems to be viewed as a means to enrich and maintain the economic interests of grandchildren of the original creator–sort of a “you don’t have to work because your grandfather/mother did” attitude. Or worse, for the protection of a cartoon character. One need only look to the United Kingdom to see how stifling copyright laws can stagnate and destroy creativity and economic growth.

Therefore I strongly request that you consider the long-term consequences of any legislation that restricts and inhibits American rights and freedoms–as I am sure you do always. These pieces of legislation are bad for America and the rights of Americans and I hope you will not support them or will at least work to modify them so they balance important Constitutional concerns and place the onus for enforcement on the interested parties, not on those who provide access to the marketplace of ideas.

Very Best Regards,


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