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Keyword: ‘interruption’

Let the games begin…

February 7th, 2011 No comments

Purchased the binders, printed scripts, punched holes, and brought all to the first rehearsal. First read through, Monday, February 7, 6:30, entire cast called.

First :30 minutes was an discussion/overview of the playwright festival with Beth Wood and Lindsay Carter. Contracts were distributed to actors. Discussion of workshop production a Black Box (+).

David Todd came by to check the reading out and give feedback. And at 7:00pm we were underway. The whole of it took :84 minutes give or take an interruption or two. And, of course, it was good to hear the full emanating voices from real people: as opposed to some thing clanking around in my head.

We broke for :10 minutes and Todd and I agreed to meet up at Gypsy Bean tomorrow to talk about the reading and the script. After break, Zoldessy outlined the plan for the rest of the week, which included his approach to getting the play up: blocking, blocking, blocking. (For those of my readers who aren’t theater people, blocking is figuring out where actors will be and how they will move in the space.) Zoldessy’s goal is to get Patterns fully blocked by Wednesday, February 16th. That’s a tight schedule and given the weirdness of my play: ambitious.

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